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Womens`s Rights
International Cartoon Exhibition

Utstillingskatalog til utstillingen Women`s Rights. Forord av Arifur Rahman. Katalogen koster 50 kr og kan kjøpes på Avistegnernes Hus eller ved henvendelse til post@mia.no eller +47 47471980

  • Women`s rights

I have for a long time been occupied by women`s right to education, their health, happiness and safety. Women in the world have to fight hard for human rights. One reason for the initiative to this exhibition and contest is personal: When my mother was eleven years old, she was married. Twelve years of age, she became pregnant, but could not give birth and the child died. When she was thirteen, she became pregnant again, and gave birth to me. some years later, after giving birth to my sister, my father divorced her. Her life became very difficult. Sometimes she said to me: If I were educated, I could find a job and support you two.  My mother was an uneducated woman but I am very proud of her. She had a great personality. I lost her in April 2012.

By arranging this cartoon contest and exhibition opening on the International Women`s Day 2016, I pay my respect to my mother and support all women`s rights.

Arifur Rahman, cartoonist

Museum24:Portal - 2025.01.29
Grunnstilsett-versjon: 2