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Freedom of Expression. International political cartoon exhibition and contest

Katalog til utstillingen Freedom of Expression. Forord av Vigdis Volden. Katalogen koster 50 kr og kan kjøpes på Avistegnernes Hus eller ved henvendelse til post@mia.no eller +47 47471980

  • Freedom of Expression. International Cartoon Exhibition.

When an individual`s freedom and human rights are abused, when "alternate facts" abound i public spaces, when information is subdued and the abuse of power takes place, satirical illustrators have a role to play. Their task is to reveal, expose to ridicule, uncover, and insult. In many countries this is done at their peril, where they risk their lives in the name of satire. Freedom of expression is under attack in many countries, and political illustrators are being extremely affected.

This exhibition has been procuced in collaboration with cartoonist Arifur Rahman from Bangladesh, who has himself been a victim of torture and imprisonment for his drawings. Via his online magazine "Toonsmag.com" illustrators around the world have been invited to participate in this exhibition. For many illustrators, online-based channels are the only outlet for publication. 

Vigdis Wolden

Museum24:Portal - 2025.03.06
Grunnstilsett-versjon: 2