Enjoy nature!
Nordre Øyeren nature reserve can offer many exciting adventures for all ages.
The area is protected to take care of animal and plant life. Therefore, be kind and considerate when visiting the reserve. Avoid making unnecessary noise, and stay away if you find that you are disturbing animal or bird life. In some areas of the nature reserve, there are travel restrictions both on water and on land in the periods 15th of March – 15th of May and 15th of August – 15th of November. This is because migratory birds depend on being able to use these areas without human disturbance. See map for an overview of traffic restrictions.
Have a good trip!
What can I do in the nature reserve?
Person with dog
I can take my dog for a walk, but always keep it on a leash. There is a leash-law all year round in the nature reserve. Although I know that my dog is both obedient and kind, it can seem very scary to birds and other animals. The birds need rest when they stop during the migration and when they nest.
Tent site
The right to roam applies in the nature reserve. I can stay overnight in the same place for up to two days before I have to move camp. I have to set up my tent at least 150 meters from houses and cabins, and always ask the landowner before I set it up on cultivated land. Any mess or litter I bring, I take with me, leaving nothing behind.
Child studying mushroom
I can look at plants, berries and mushrooms in the nature reserve, but must leave them alone. A reason for the protection of Nordre Øyeren is to take care of the landscape. Therefore all vegetation, including mushrooms and berries, is protected in the nature reserve.
As a landowner, I have permission to drive here in connection with farming. All other motorized traffic on land is prohibited as it disturbs wildlife unnecessarily and damages the nature reserve.
I am allowed to light a campfire and barbeque between 15th of September and 15th of April. I try to make use of existing campfire sites and make sure to put out the fire properly before I leave it. All vegetation is protected in the nature reserve, so I bring my own logs or coal and leave all plants and trees, both living and dead, untouched.