Photo: National Library of Norway
The Dream of the
Northwest Passage
Photo: National Library of Norway. Image colorized by Follo Museum, MiA.
It is said that to plan an expedition can be more difficult than to carry it out.
Photo: National Library of Norway. Image colorized by Follo Museum, MiA.
In 2023 it will be 120 years since the Gjøa expedition set out for the Northwest Passage.
Photo: National Library of Norway
Here at Roald Amundsen's house Uranienborg, we take a biographical perspective on Amundsen's life.
Photo: National Library of Norway
We aim to understand what lay behind Amundsen’s great triumphs, and also his many disputes.
Photo: National Library of Norway. Image colorized by Follo Museum, MiA.
This is our story of the dreaming, planning and drama that led up to the Gjøa expedition's departure in 1903.