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Tertitten (The Urskog-Høland Railway) is a narrow-gauge museum railway in Sørumsand, just outside of Oslo. Here you can travel back in time!

Today, Tertitten is a part of MiA – Museums in Akershus. The railway is run by a full time staff who are responsible for running the museum, maintenance of the track, buildings and other materials, as well as taking care of our volunteers. Without our volunteer members it would be impossible to run the train.

Three coal-fired steam locomotives and a range of carriages are preserved here and are used in the running of the museum. If we have the availability, especially interested visitors can take a trip around the workshop where we carry out both the maintenance of, and production of parts for steam locomotives.

Museum24:Portal - 2025.03.06
Grunnstilsett-versjon: 2