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Visitor Centre Wetland Nordre Øyeren

Welcome to our child-friendly hands-on exhibition at Visitor Centre Wetland Nordre Øyeren. Our overall aim is to get children of all ages interested in nature, especially wetlands, and enjoy nature which in turn hopefully will turn them into guardians of our nature and contribute to its future protection.

Our award-winning visitor center is a 300 square metre building filled with exhibitions (lots of interactivity for children), a café and a small shop for the visitors. The main focus in the exhibitions is regional nature and wetlands. The visitor centre is open every weekend all year and also during some holidays and through the summertime. 

  • 1/11
    Med kikkert kan du komme mye nærmere fuglene! Ingrid Aas/MiA
  • 2/11
  • 3/11
    Ingrid Aas/MiA
  • 4/11
    Flere nye fuglekasser av ulike typer er hengt opp på Blikomøya. Ingrid Aas/MiA
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    Gammelt fugletårn på Jørholmen. Fetsund lenser/MiA
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    Grågjess Fetsund lenser/MiA
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    Beitende grågås på Merkja Fetsund lenser/MiA
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    Fetsund lenser/MiA
  • 9/11
    Trine Grønn Iversen/MiA
  • 10/11
  • 11/11
    Ingrid Aas/MiA

The centre lies on the threshold to one of the largest ramsar sites in Norway and has a beautiful view into the Northern Europe’s largest inland delta. The visitor centre has beautiful surroundings and a walk path following the river through a nationally protected timber floating site (Fetsund Lenser). We have approximately 25 000 visitors per year and around 3.000 children are joining our education programs each year.

Museum24:Portal - 2025.02.14
Grunnstilsett-versjon: 2