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Where to find us

Map and adresses

  • St. Pauls mine

  • Carsten Ankers house in Feiring

  • Feiring jernverk

  • Eidsvoll bygdetun (municipal museum)

  • Eidsvoll occupation museum

Eidsvoll Municipal museum and Eidsvoll Occupation museum 

Address: Spetalsvegen 60, 2080 Eidsvoll, Norway

Directions to Feiring ironworks, St. Paul's mine in Feiring og Carstens Anker's house

Feiring jernverk – alternative 1: Drive FV 33 and turn to the left in what is called Stubberuddalen. Follow signs towards "Feiring jernverk" Parking at Eftasmyra, and then walk for 15 minutes towards Feiring jernverk.

Feiring jernverk – alternative 2: Drive FV 33 to the Feiring. Follow signs towards "Feiring jernverk". The roads you drive are: Kjerkelinna – Bamrudvegen – Dalbekkvegen. Appr. 9 km on gravel road. After parking by the lake Atthaldsdammen you walk for appr. 20 minutes towards Feiring jernverk.

To see the St. Paul`s mine you have to go on a guided tour, which is held a couple of times a year.  NB! The mine is NOT close to Feiring ironworks.  Drive FV 33 til Stubberuddalen. Follow signs towards "St. Pauls gruve". Parking at Skomakerbakken, and then walk for 20 minutes on a path in the forest towards "St. Pauls gruve". 

Carsten Anker's house Drive FV 33 and turn to the left in Stubberuddalen. Follow signs towards Feiring jernverk opp Stubberudvegen.  After parking at Eftasmyra you walk for 10 minutes on a gravel road to Kristenkollen.

Address: 2093 Feiring

Museum24:Portal - 2025.01.29
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